
Why Mindfulness Practices Don’t Always Work – Learning the Groundwork to Meditation.


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Why Mindfulness Practices Don’t Always Work – Learning the Groundwork to Meditation.2022-06-13T13:19:22-07:00

Grace: A Success Story


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Grace: A Success Story2022-01-01T15:20:17-08:00

Self-awareness and personal improvement. It starts with lingering in the habit.


I took this short video at the start of a 3-hour workshop I was teaching in Vancouver titled "Ditch Those Orthotics". As with most Feldenkrais-based teachings you start with self-inquiry and the act of simply noticing what you do. What are the discrepancies to your right or left when you [...]

Self-awareness and personal improvement. It starts with lingering in the habit.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00

Words to ponder. A night of desktop cleaning and croissant making.


While I was watching Seth practice his croissant making tonight I was simultaneously cleaning up my computer desktop and came across this Word Document from a long time ago. I must have been jamming through a few ideas as the document is titled "curateyouwords". It was, and still is, a good [...]

Words to ponder. A night of desktop cleaning and croissant making.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00

New space. New city. New name. New title. Vancouver here we come!


New Space On March 1st I will be entering into a very new, exciting and "holy shit this is really happening!" phase of my life. I've got a brand spanking new space in downtown Vancouver in the Duncan Building. Suite 313, 119 West Pender Street to be exact. Here's a visual. In [...]

New space. New city. New name. New title. Vancouver here we come!2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

A LOVE-inspired post to go with Valentines Day – Learn how to grow your own organic veggies!


Rewind about 25-30 years (for me at least)...... Remember those hand-made Valentines day cards you use to make in grade school? They were always SO MUCH better than the purchased Hallmark variety - don't you think? The multi-coloured construction paper, the stickers, the glitter, the crayons, the creativity.....can't you just [...]

A LOVE-inspired post to go with Valentines Day – Learn how to grow your own organic veggies!2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

Create some new instructions for you: What actually is self-help & health?


This is the beginning of a series that I am plugging away at titled "Creating Your Own Personal Instruction Manual" . The breadcrumb trail to go with these series of post are here ("what stands between you & that more effortless version of you") & here ("reverse engineer your health: become [...]

Create some new instructions for you: What actually is self-help & health?2019-04-30T13:06:40-07:00

I have a favour to ask. Become your own medicine. It’s time to try.


I want to cultivate a tribe of folk who are truly interested in becoming 'curators' of their own bodies. I've written more about this idea here, but in essence, here's the shortened version: When we actually understand how our body works, what its default states & grooves are, how to listen [...]

I have a favour to ask. Become your own medicine. It’s time to try.2019-04-30T13:06:40-07:00