
The Simplicity of Feldenkrais: Baby Liv shows you some simple movements to start you out.

Want to understand the simplicity of a Feldenkrais Movement Lesson? Just go to the simple foundations of human development. Ready for your first class? This is a montage of a little baby named Liv doing what babies do during their first year of life. It is these first beginnings [...]

The Simplicity of Feldenkrais: Baby Liv shows you some simple movements to start you out.2019-04-30T13:06:51-07:00

My research with higher intensity strength training, why high intensity exercise is essential and introducing “The Healthy Skeptic”

One of the things I am really excited about is bringing in other bloggers and highlighting them on The Human Groove. It seems my generation (those born somewheres between 1975/73ish to 1982/85ish) are seeing the importance of sharing, collaborating and not being afraid to trade our secrets. Openly. I have [...]

My research with higher intensity strength training, why high intensity exercise is essential and introducing “The Healthy Skeptic”2019-04-30T13:06:52-07:00

Inspired by Paul Hawken: An unnamed article about human healthcare and planetary care.

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Inspired by Paul Hawken: An unnamed article about human healthcare and planetary care.2021-10-23T13:09:42-07:00

Feldenkrais Teachings and Being a Ninja: Can you see the difference – Hands forward or backwards?

(This post will be one of many to come that will fit into the “All Things Feldenkrais: The Amherst Diaries” feature which you see on the right side of the page. Here you will find writings, ideas, practical application, video, audio and 'all things Feldenkrais'. Moshe Feldenkrais' theories and principles [...]

Feldenkrais Teachings and Being a Ninja: Can you see the difference – Hands forward or backwards?2019-04-30T13:06:54-07:00

Changing our Education (& health care) Paradigms. By Sir Ken Robinson & RSA Animate.

(This post will be one of many to come that will fit into the "Smitten-With" Feature which you see on the right side of the page. Here I will share people, blogs, books, articles and other stuff that I find interesting, timely and in my opinion fits into a  'need [...]

Changing our Education (& health care) Paradigms. By Sir Ken Robinson & RSA Animate.2019-04-30T13:06:54-07:00

Bad Situations Are Felt, Not Thought: Belly versus Brain.

Today I ponder this: "Belly or Brain" A tiny bit of background. Moshe Feldenkrais' theories really got me jiving with the brain. Recently I've been studying the work of Dr. Peter Levine. The latter has put me back to my first love of physiology and biology. It has got me thinking [...]

Bad Situations Are Felt, Not Thought: Belly versus Brain.2019-04-30T13:06:55-07:00

Reverse Engineer Your Health: Becoming your best own curator

“The traditional role of the librarian and curator – to select what is to be preserved and ruthlessly weed out everything else - suddenly is obsolete.” I read the above sentence in a book titled "Clock on the Long Now: Time and Responsibility. The Ideas Behind the World's Slowest Computer" [...]

Reverse Engineer Your Health: Becoming your best own curator2019-04-30T13:06:55-07:00

Biomimicry: How easy it is to forget the simple things in life.

Biomimicry. Ever heard of it?  (a free exercise below - keep scrolling) "Biomimicry, as described (and popularized) by Janine Benyus, is the practice of using nature as a model to develop sustainable designs and processes." Taken from Wikipedia, they define it as:   "The examination of nature, its models, systems, [...]

Biomimicry: How easy it is to forget the simple things in life.2019-04-30T13:06:57-07:00

Smitten-with Sausalito and Spontaneity: What makes a ’30-something’ girl glow

(“Smitten-With” will be a feature on The Human Groove that will speak of funky things that I come across – people, places, spaces, books, articles – basically stuff I am “smitten-with”.) I was in Sausalito back in August. These lovely mailboxes seemed a little lonely. So I took their picture. [...]

Smitten-with Sausalito and Spontaneity: What makes a ’30-something’ girl glow2019-04-30T13:06:57-07:00

Feldenkrais and “The Next 25 Years” Goes Viral?

Click here to re-tweet Feldenkrais and The Next 25 Years Goes Viral. Experience in yourself what happens when you watch fresh, curious and unabridged life create and craft a new nervous system along with the world that goes with it! I had a hunch 2 years ago that something [...]

Feldenkrais and “The Next 25 Years” Goes Viral?2019-04-30T13:06:57-07:00