
How to be Comfortable Sitting on The Ground. Step 1 – Lengthen Those Tight Hamstrings. [ATM @ Alta (the bistro in Whistler)]

Click here to re-tweet "How to be Comfortable Sitting on The Ground. Step 1 - Lengthen Those Tight Hamstrings." This morning I taught a Feldenkrais Movement Class (aka: "ATM", or Awareness Through Movement) at a local bistro, Alta Bistro. One of the managers loves ATM, and he really wanted to [...]

How to be Comfortable Sitting on The Ground. Step 1 – Lengthen Those Tight Hamstrings. [ATM @ Alta (the bistro in Whistler)]2019-04-30T13:06:31-07:00

“Neon in replacement for nuance and the advertising of food instead of the hunting for it.” A 4-min video clip of Contact Improvisation founder Steve Paxton – His thoughts on how we misuse the human body (and I’d have to agree!)

"It's appalling how we disuse the body." Says Steve Paxton, the founder of contact dance improvisation. I've written about what he speaks about, his ethos if you will, in a blog post from last year titled "Would you drive a Ferrarri that way?." Check out the video below: Consider [...]

“Neon in replacement for nuance and the advertising of food instead of the hunting for it.” A 4-min video clip of Contact Improvisation founder Steve Paxton – His thoughts on how we misuse the human body (and I’d have to agree!)2019-04-30T13:06:32-07:00

The Other Shade of Dualism: “Multi-Dimensionalism” – I Re-Visit Gabor Maté’s Writings and Get Comfortable with Ambiguity (yet again).

Click here to re-tweet "The other shade of dualism: "Multi-Dimensionalism." Black - White.  Sick - Not Sick. Happy - Unhappy. Health - Unhealthy. Function - Dysfunction. Flexible - Stiff. Introvert - Extrovert. Mind - Body. now you try.... Something goes here. Something goes there. I'm THIS. I'm THAT. This dualistic way of thinking [...]

The Other Shade of Dualism: “Multi-Dimensionalism” – I Re-Visit Gabor Maté’s Writings and Get Comfortable with Ambiguity (yet again).2019-04-30T13:06:32-07:00

Near-death experiences (NDE’s), anesthesia states, surgical procedures: Potential medical problems that can follow and how to heal: A Skype Client from Tennessee Writes of Her Improvements

Click here to re-tweet "Near-death experiences (NDE's), anesthesia states, surgical procedures: Potential medical problems that can follow and how to heal: A Skype Client from Tennessee Writes of Her Improvements" // I just received this LOVELY letter (see below where it says "Julianne's Letter") from a client way back in [...]

Near-death experiences (NDE’s), anesthesia states, surgical procedures: Potential medical problems that can follow and how to heal: A Skype Client from Tennessee Writes of Her Improvements2019-04-30T13:06:33-07:00

Aaahhhh… This video is lovely and just what the doctor ordered on this last day of August. (What are you doing to grow today?)

Click here to re-tweet "This video is lovely and just what the doctor ordered on this last day of August. (What are you doing to grow today?)" I've always equated September with the start of the year.   It must be the whole back to school thing I think? [...]

Aaahhhh… This video is lovely and just what the doctor ordered on this last day of August. (What are you doing to grow today?)2019-04-30T13:06:33-07:00

Part 1: How Our Past “Content” Shapes Our Present & Future. (lessons from tall trees and Gladwell’s Outliers

Click here to re-tweet "Part 1: How Our Past "Content" Shapes Our Present & Future. (lessons from tall trees and Gladwell's Outliers)" I LOVE THIS from Malcolm Gladwell's book titled Outliers: "Biologists often talk about the 'ecology' of an organism: the tallest oak in the forest is the tallest not [...]

Part 1: How Our Past “Content” Shapes Our Present & Future. (lessons from tall trees and Gladwell’s Outliers2019-04-30T13:06:33-07:00

The Present Problem with Moshe Feldenkrais’ Work (as it’s “traditionally” taught). An 8-Week Pilot Period: The anecdotal results are in!

Click here to re-tweet "The Present Problem with Moshe Feldenkrais' Work (as it's "traditionally" taught). An 8-Week Pilot Period: The anecdotal results are in!" “To be sanguine about the future, however, requires a plausible basis for constructive action: you cannot describe possibilities for that future unless the present problem is [...]

The Present Problem with Moshe Feldenkrais’ Work (as it’s “traditionally” taught). An 8-Week Pilot Period: The anecdotal results are in!2019-04-30T13:06:33-07:00

Feldenkrais: Sheryl Field speaks about the late Moshe Feldenkrais’ classic lecture: “To correct is incorrect”

Click here to re-tweet "Feldenkrais: Sheryl Field speaks about the late Moshe Feldenkrais' classic lecture: "To correct is incorrect" Why we don't "Correct" or try to "Fix" people in Feldenkrais Sessions. "(we) offer the person the time. Real, ON-LINE the sensations can register and integrate with where they are [...]

Feldenkrais: Sheryl Field speaks about the late Moshe Feldenkrais’ classic lecture: “To correct is incorrect”2019-04-30T13:06:33-07:00

Nervous System Cleansing 101. Step 3: Orientation + Body Awareness + BREATH

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" menu_anchor="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" background_color="" background_image="" background_position="center center" background_repeat="no-repeat" fade="no" background_parallax="none" parallax_speed="0.3" video_mp4="" video_webm="" video_ogv="" video_url="" video_aspect_ratio="16:9" video_loop="yes" video_mute="yes" overlay_color="" video_preview_image="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" padding_top="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" padding_right=""][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" layout="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" border_position="all" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding_top="" padding_right="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" [...]

Nervous System Cleansing 101. Step 3: Orientation + Body Awareness + BREATH2019-11-22T18:32:09-08:00

FAQ Regarding “What I Do”

I get a lot of the same questions from folk, trying to 'figure out' what I do, or how 'I work'. It's not an easy bunch of questions to answer because everyone is different and we all have different experiences with body-work, body-based forms of psychotherapy, movement classes etc. And [...]

FAQ Regarding “What I Do”2019-04-30T13:06:34-07:00