
Aging and Posture. Is it simply a function of FUNCTION? Here’s a great example that would say “Oh Yah!”

Check this out! Here are some striking before and after pictures of my hubby Seth. Today he was putting together an iMovie slideshow from his "lost years" and I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw this shot of him. This photo, just below, is from about nine years ago, while he [...]

Aging and Posture. Is it simply a function of FUNCTION? Here’s a great example that would say “Oh Yah!”2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

My year of heaven, hell and healing. What I’m certain of as I roll into 2012.

In July 2010 I decided to leave Whistler for a six month hiatus. I drove many many miles in my trusty station wagon. I visited many great friends and colleagues. I followed my gut. My instincts led me. It was glorious. During the tail end of the trip I found [...]

My year of heaven, hell and healing. What I’m certain of as I roll into 2012.2019-04-30T13:06:28-07:00

Sensing the Void Between You and the Ground: A lesson from child’s play and adult play.

I wrote a piece a while back that featured the founder of Contact Dance Improvisation speaking his truths about human movement. This video shows a room of contact dancers 'playing' the way they play, and they have a very brave and young participant too! Check it out and keep reading.... [...]

Sensing the Void Between You and the Ground: A lesson from child’s play and adult play.2019-04-30T13:06:28-07:00

Walk (move) like you have a spine that spirals through your ENTIRE body. ‘Cause you DO!

Our DNA is a spiral. Two spirals twisted together that biologists call "The Double Helix". Our bones have spiral-like qualities to them too. This gives them their strength, resiliency and shock absorption prowess. Our muscles aren't attached to our bones in straight lines either, so why the heck do we [...]

Walk (move) like you have a spine that spirals through your ENTIRE body. ‘Cause you DO!2019-04-30T13:06:28-07:00

The prevention bus is more than just one thing. November is National Prevention Month (according to Kris Carr at least!)

I want to tell you about Kris Carr. I had the pleasure of shaking Kris' hand last week while in NYC. She glows. Luminous would be the adjective I'd use. She is the poster child for self-care and prevention. She even named November "National Prevention Month". Here's what she wrote [...]

The prevention bus is more than just one thing. November is National Prevention Month (according to Kris Carr at least!)2019-04-30T13:06:28-07:00

Airline flight just isn’t my cup of tea anymore. A minor epiphany with a plastic water bottle and “I’m Back”!

Yesterday was a big pause. I'm back from NYC and it seems airline travel wipes me out much more these days than a few years ago. My system is a heck of a lot more sensitive to being pressurized. Perhaps it is 'age', but I'm quite sure it is simply [...]

Airline flight just isn’t my cup of tea anymore. A minor epiphany with a plastic water bottle and “I’m Back”!2019-04-30T13:06:29-07:00

Synapses need to be fed, not fried. What happens when young ones come to see me.

"Synapses need to be fed, not fried" Navjit Kandola // I stumbled upon this wonderful little piece of personal insight on Twitter of all place! Our synapses are important, and yes, they do need feeding not frying. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" [...]

Synapses need to be fed, not fried. What happens when young ones come to see me.2019-04-30T13:06:29-07:00

When is the best time to see a Feldenkrais practitioner or go to a class? Allow me to give you “My Dentist Analogy”

Think about the dentist for a moment. Depending on the history of your teeth, the dentist can be an ‘OK’ experience, or it simply sucks. I’m one of those people who people hate. I never floss, I only brush my teeth before going to bed, I eat sugar, and I’ve [...]

When is the best time to see a Feldenkrais practitioner or go to a class? Allow me to give you “My Dentist Analogy”2019-04-30T13:06:29-07:00

“The Descending Line” and its importance for reducing our stress levels and improving our well-being (and the importance of spontaneous breath and restoring order to our internal milieu)

"Habitual repression of emotion leaves a person in a situation of chronic stress, and chronic stress creates an unnatural biochemical milieu in the body, [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][ ], Disease [...]

“The Descending Line” and its importance for reducing our stress levels and improving our well-being (and the importance of spontaneous breath and restoring order to our internal milieu)2019-04-30T13:06:30-07:00