
Words to ponder. A night of desktop cleaning and croissant making.

While I was watching Seth practice his croissant making tonight I was simultaneously cleaning up my computer desktop and came across this Word Document from a long time ago. I must have been jamming through a few ideas as the document is titled "curateyouwords". It was, and still is, a good [...]

Words to ponder. A night of desktop cleaning and croissant making.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00

No more neck pain in 20 minutes. What a “Body Science” session might look like (minus the kiss!)

(be sure to go to my website to view the video if you are receiving this via email!!) One of the ways I work with people in my signature Body Science sessions is via the principles of The Feldenkrais Method. This method was founded by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). Moshe [...]

No more neck pain in 20 minutes. What a “Body Science” session might look like (minus the kiss!)2014-10-28T13:14:17-07:00

Sick and tired of being in chronic pain? A success story from the archives.

Two days ago I went skiing with the individual I highlight below. On our way up the hill we were chatting about recovering from injuries and how her outlook on healing - as well as her pain - changed after she starting working with me. We are good buds now [...]

Sick and tired of being in chronic pain? A success story from the archives.2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

New space. New city. New name. New title. Vancouver here we come!

New Space On March 1st I will be entering into a very new, exciting and "holy shit this is really happening!" phase of my life. I've got a brand spanking new space in downtown Vancouver in the Duncan Building. Suite 313, 119 West Pender Street to be exact. Here's a visual. In [...]

New space. New city. New name. New title. Vancouver here we come!2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

A LOVE-inspired post to go with Valentines Day – Learn how to grow your own organic veggies!

Rewind about 25-30 years (for me at least)...... Remember those hand-made Valentines day cards you use to make in grade school? They were always SO MUCH better than the purchased Hallmark variety - don't you think? The multi-coloured construction paper, the stickers, the glitter, the crayons, the creativity.....can't you just [...]

A LOVE-inspired post to go with Valentines Day – Learn how to grow your own organic veggies!2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

Get rid of hamstring strains and lower back pains. The non-stretching way!

People often don't believe me when I say, "I haven't stretched in ten years". It's true. Sure I move and have a practice of body awareness that involves feeling where I might have a few tight spots here and there, but I no longer hold static stretches for long periods [...]

Get rid of hamstring strains and lower back pains. The non-stretching way!2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

Does the medical profession have it all backwards? The future of our health, medicine and some inspiration from the TEDx World.

I don't want to assume you know what a TED Talk is, so for now I'll briefly say that they are an amazing resource of knowledge and their tag-line, Ideas Worth Spreading, says it all. The first TED talk I ever watched was Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist (brain scientist) sharing her experience of having [...]

Does the medical profession have it all backwards? The future of our health, medicine and some inspiration from the TEDx World.2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00

The principles of movement that saved my movement. On magic, voo-doo, witchcraft and simply noticing what is invisible, yet all around and in us.

Several people said, "It's magic!" I read the above orange letters in a colleagues newsletter a day or so ago. The magic that is being talked about is what people said after they experienced some good old Feldenkrais-Love. I get similar comments from my class participants. I've been called a [...]

The principles of movement that saved my movement. On magic, voo-doo, witchcraft and simply noticing what is invisible, yet all around and in us.2019-04-30T13:06:27-07:00