
The threat response cycle and why having love and compassion isn’t (always) going to heal and take care of us.

Stories and from my private practice and the theory I teach Sometimes people come and see me because they have mysterious body aches and pains that have no real known cause. For instance they have this chronic pain in their shoulder or neck, yet they've never had a injury, not [...]

The threat response cycle and why having love and compassion isn’t (always) going to heal and take care of us.2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

Are you a healing modality junkie? Want to get rid of the addiction? Real life. Real stories. Here. Now.

For this post I've decided to share a wonderful letter that I recently received from one of my clients. It is timely as the Olympics are in full swing in London, England. Karen was a highly competitive gymnast in her younger years and now she is starting to realize how [...]

Are you a healing modality junkie? Want to get rid of the addiction? Real life. Real stories. Here. Now.2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

The Descending Line: Stress Relief. The Natural Way.

“Habitual repression of emotion leaves a person in a situation of chronic stress, and chronic stress creates an unnatural biochemical milieu in the body, [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][ ] Disease, [...]

The Descending Line: Stress Relief. The Natural Way.2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

Function Melts Form. Number eight in my FAQ’s and why taking some time to find proper posture is essential for longevity.

Function.  Melts.  Form. I LOVE - like so love - those three words in that order. The order is important! It’s a title from a chapter in a book called, How Buildings Learn, by Stewart Brand. When I read it I couldn't let that concept go. What this means is that as [...]

Function Melts Form. Number eight in my FAQ’s and why taking some time to find proper posture is essential for longevity.2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

Better Body Balance. An audio lesson for proper posture and perfect balance.

Balance is insidious. We are always seeking balance whether you know it or not. By balance, I don't mean "life-balance", I mean, "living in a vertical plane and on two feet" kind of balance. Even when we are laying down, our inner ear and other very important body systems are [...]

Better Body Balance. An audio lesson for proper posture and perfect balance.2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

Some science lingo and a few realities – we need to understand – to be a healthy human on this planet.

Reader beware - I must be a bit of a science geek on this post. After all I'm a Body Scientist so here we go...... Stress response and the human body Let’s face it, stress is just an inevitable part of life. It comes into our life and, we hope it [...]

Some science lingo and a few realities – we need to understand – to be a healthy human on this planet.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00

Want pain-free movement? All you need is a few hours and some applied practice. An amazing story from my practice.

Years ago, must have been in ~2004/05, I remember seeing this person I'm writing about in the recreation centre I use to work at. I remember thinking how all his "nitty gritty exercises" were doing more harm than help.  But I was too shy to say, "Hey, I could show you [...]

Want pain-free movement? All you need is a few hours and some applied practice. An amazing story from my practice.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00

The number one thing you need to know about finding good posture

Us in the Western world have been bull-dozed by postural ideals, and sadly, the status quo for good posture can actually do us more harm than good. We are constantly trying to satisfy an aesthetic norm (e.g., tummy in, chin high, shoulders back etc.), or even our mothers cry of, [...]

The number one thing you need to know about finding good posture2014-10-28T12:55:54-07:00

Self-awareness and personal improvement. It starts with lingering in the habit.

I took this short video at the start of a 3-hour workshop I was teaching in Vancouver titled "Ditch Those Orthotics". As with most Feldenkrais-based teachings you start with self-inquiry and the act of simply noticing what you do. What are the discrepancies to your right or left when you [...]

Self-awareness and personal improvement. It starts with lingering in the habit.2019-04-30T13:06:25-07:00