
What I predict is the next big thing…from industry to diversity (of movement that is).

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What I predict is the next big thing…from industry to diversity (of movement that is).2021-10-23T13:12:43-07:00

Did you know that taking a deep breath to relax is actually counter-productive?

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Did you know that taking a deep breath to relax is actually counter-productive?2019-11-22T18:56:41-08:00

Why I said YES after 4 days. A love story.

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Why I said YES after 4 days. A love story.2021-05-25T12:30:23-07:00

Why the “C” word is killing your ski performance.

  When we are doing dynamic activities, such as skiing, we want our big muscle groups to be on-line in such a way that they get active when the time is appropriate, and then inhibited when they are no longer needed. The key words for optimal sports performance are Adaptability and Resiliency. Not [...]

Why the “C” word is killing your ski performance.2019-04-30T13:06:23-07:00

How to avoid hurting yourself (again). Part 2 of 2.

In my last article I wrote about the strange effects of not properly recovering from an accident or injury and how sometimes the same injury can re-occur again (and again) if a few key pieces post-injury don't play out. // Why animals in the wild don't suffer "post-injury" I remember [...]

How to avoid hurting yourself (again). Part 2 of 2.2019-04-30T13:06:23-07:00

How to avoid hurting yourself (again). Part 1 of 2.

Did you have an accident, a fall or maybe even some minor bumps and bruises this Summer? If so, you want to make sure you aren't carrying around the injury-ghosts from Summer(s)-past. Why?  Any residue from past accidents can actually set up your body to be MORE accident prone in [...]

How to avoid hurting yourself (again). Part 1 of 2.2019-04-30T13:06:23-07:00

The secret to improving your walking is…….

Imagine you need to re-learn how to walk. There could be a multitude of reasons why someone might need to do this: recovering from a broken leg, a sprained ankle, paralysis, stroke, spinal injury, shock, back pain....the list could go on and on. Then, there is this thing that happens [...]

The secret to improving your walking is…….2019-04-30T13:06:24-07:00

What kind of living would you rather have: Pain-free and easy or heavy and sluggish?

When you experience physical pain, ignore it and say something like, "I'll take care of that later", you are doing a HUGE disservice to your precious body. When body movement is inefficient and painful, energy levels get zapped, joints suffer, entire body systems break down, healing is hindered and the aging process [...]

What kind of living would you rather have: Pain-free and easy or heavy and sluggish?2014-10-27T14:39:50-07:00

Why the concept of grounding is misleading. Here’s a fresh (yet very ancient) way to look at it.

One of my amazing mentors of The Feldenkrais Method, Jeff Haller, taught me many years ago what the concept of grounding actually means - from a martial arts perspective - and I'd love to share it with you. First of all, most people say to themselves, "I need to get [...]

Why the concept of grounding is misleading. Here’s a fresh (yet very ancient) way to look at it.2014-10-27T14:44:59-07:00