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I have a new vlog for you today (“Why there’s no such thing as ‘little T’”), and it’s a good one to watch if you’re not sure whether this nervous system work applies to you, since you don’t remember having any BIG traumas in your life. 

For the record, I’m not a fan of the term “little T” trauma, because it implies that its impact is inconsequential (spoiler alert: it isn’t). 

I’m curious if any of this sounds familiar: 

  • You struggle with “mysterious” ailments (things like anxiety, depression, toxic relationships, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, etc.), but nobody can figure out why.
  • All your labs come back clear, but you KNOW something’s off. You’re starting to think something must be wrong with you. (Or maybe you have a diagnosis but feel this sneaking suspicion that you’re missing the key to true healing.)
  • You now know that the probable cause of your present-day struggles is early childhood traumatic stress, but you’re confused because you had a pretty good childhood.

If this resonates, know that you’re not alone. And nothing is wrong with you. I hear some version of this story DAILY from my current and potential students. 

There are so many people living in states of chronic dysregulation (and they don’t even know it!) due to early traumas they either don’t remember or have written off as insignificant. 

Here’s the truth from the late Robert Scaer in an excerpt from his book, The Trauma Spectrum:

“I have a strong sense that fibromyalgia may be well based on extremely early and probably preverbal trauma that often is difficult to document in a patient’s clinical history.” 

(You can replace “fibromyalgia” with any number of chronic conditions, ailments, and troubles, and the fact would remain!)

You don’t need to have experienced a big blow-up event (like a massive car accident, torturous abuse, war, etc.) to be traumatized. Your system can still be living in a state of total chaos and dysregulation, even with no memory of any bad, scary things happening to you. 

Watch this week’s vlog, “Why there is no such thing as ‘little T,’” to dive deeper into this topic. 

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There’s good news, by the way. 

When you learn how to deactivate these old fight/flight/freeze energies, release memories held in the tissues, and grow the capacity to be connected to your body and the world around you, these chronic troubles tend to disappear

My students are the proof. 

They’re healing from things deemed life sentences by the medical community. Things that no therapist, physical trainer, psychiatrist, massage therapist, chiropractor, or shamanic medicine healer could touch. 

(btw: If you didn’t watch this short 6-min video that I shared last week, I strongly suggest you watch it soon. Darla’s story shows how many medical professionals (all with good intentions!) often have no clue how to help those with chronic pain and fatigue, and it’s simply because they just don’t know this information.)

If you are here reading this, take this as your sign from the universe that this level of healing is possible for you. You just need the right information, practices, and support.

* * *

Resources I Mention in the Vlog:

Video Series: The Healing Trauma Video Training Series

Audio: The origins of the ACE study

Vlog: Titration Explained. Never Rush trauma Healing

Special Topic Lecture: Titration. Why it’s important when healing trauma.

Book: “Trauma Spectrum” by Robert Scaer 

Vlog: Why you’re waking up in a panic attack
