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Do you ever feel like ALL the healing work you’re doing is going nowhere … or do you ever find your mind spiraling into something that goes like this: “I must be doing something wrong because I’m feeling more activation and intense sensation!?”

I fully understand this.

For example, I had my first “anxiety” attack about three years ago while driving across a bridge that I’ve been crossing all my life and here’s what’s crazy: I’ve never had a car accident on or off of a bridge, I’m certainly not afraid of heights (this Instagram post will prove that!) and I LOVE driving!

So what gives? Even after oodles of my training, being a top level somatic practitioner, and having big capacity to handle a lot of stress why am I having such an intense experience that even my husband suggested I go to the hospital (see my PS for an added BONUS to today’s email that describes what happened at the hospital).

The key word here is, capacity.

When we grow more capacity and resiliency we give space for the deep murky dark sludge-like stuff to come to the surface. This sludge might be ours. The murky stuff might be our ancestor’s unprocessed fear. That darkness could be the collective aching pain that is bubbling up and being felt globally as I type, and you read, these words ….

So I made this vlog as a little pep talk to remind you that we’re all in this together and that YES! we will feel pain, big sensation, and supreme suffering when we are doing the work well and are gaining more regulation.

Rest assured that if you’re following the principles and practices of sound nervous system and trauma healing (I call this Neuroplastic HealingSequencing), you have good support, and you are staying on the side of the free will equation that believes that being alive is a blessing and an opportunity to grow and learn, then these little sidetracks into intensity and some added symptoms ARE part of this healing process.

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Resources I Mention In The Vlog

VIDEO: [Trauma Tips #2] Get to know your (many) nervous systems

VIDEO: Shock Trauma First Aid
