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In this newest vlog I dive into the topic of sadness and the two different kinds of sadness that are rarely spoke of: nutritive and habitual.

My approach and understanding around this topic of sadness is greatly influenced by my studies within the work of Somatic Experiencing, founded by Peter Levine.

These specific distinctions are from a Master Class I assisted at back in October, 2013 titled: Depression, Healthy Aggression, and Life Energy.

Here’s a very brief summary of this topic:

When one is robbed of life force energy which can happen via early and/or developmental childhood trauma, repetitive and/or scary medical procedure, and/or toxic shaming parenting practices, it will often lead to a turning INWARDS of oneself along with a false sense of self. This is mainly because the true self, as well as healthy aggressive expressions, were obliterated early on due to the inability of the primary caretakers to fully accept and be able to be with the energy of expression in their young.

This sets up a vicious cycle within the child, and eventually adult, which leads to an insidious sense of unworthiness, deep biological and postural shame and the inability to express healthy life force energy and aggression (i.e. standing up for self; setting boundaries; moving and pushing ahead in life via relationship, personal health, and career, to name a few.)

Heavy stuff, I know, but this is honest to God how this sets up what is all too commonly known as depression, along with the inability to move forward, demand goodness for ourselves and exert our truest self. Watch it here.

One More Thing …

A topic that’s a first cousin to sadness and depression is healthy aggression and getting it back into our lives. I’ll be bringing you some content around this topic in the following weeks.

If you’d like to do some extra study on topics that relate to emotional health be sure to check out these resources you can find on my YouTube channel and blog:

Why healthy shame is good for us and toxic shame isn’t

Anger as Medicine: How to Cure Self-Sabotaging Behaviours
